
rambleberry tonguepatch


06.03   07.03   08.03   09.03   10.03   11.03   02.04   03.04   05.04   06.04   06.05   07.05   08.05   09.05   11.05   12.05   01.06   04.06   06.06   03.07   04.07   06.07   07.07   01.08   11.12   01.13   12.13  

Monday, December 30, 2013

wish a wig
and thinkly fig
top of the iron filings
fishguts and flume
baryons nouning pops
clippingtrack and several sparrows
orgone I not I
and brute furnace cookish
cockles and musculature
bananafront fox-in-wire
bonk bellow lungfart

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