rambleberry tonguepatch | |
archives06.03 07.03 08.03 09.03 10.03 11.03 02.04 03.04 05.04 06.04 06.05 07.05 08.05 09.05 11.05 12.05 01.06 04.06 06.06 03.07 04.07 06.07 07.07 01.08 11.12 01.13 12.13 |
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Rhyme discus with berry nair, Hoppy hair & glassies. Zing decky cocks, cost cripple cumber, What head cums cribbage alarm. Sand sandal cherub shade, Stop Vega onions frumping pex. |
Thick cancerglass bellywomb sticks, Prickles potty cock orbits drip, Gloves gimber in panking pips, Your gank, your drink, my flips. Neck pummeldating coffee bribs, Notingnoting cumber shelf bell bell hot ball, Special gumber letting splits spilts sputs spud. |
Zelting copper head crooks fate. Split in numbers hot & onions, Probe class bex & prods mail, suck dress gumber stank, Freethrow mall. |
Rubber dinger hold th onions. Shot diggers from short stoolies, clasps. Why red knobs cumber bun seven seven seven eye, belch bunk creamis. |
Fist fish ember pot, waist of steam, back of truxclass, sumber of lemon oven, gummer for plethora. |
Grave helpings stew cribber in leg whoppers. What charming carling busywork, Aaron, Specks tickle numberwear. I shigger & tumble, west fully granted, what belts ember cuddle crimp. Gopher sexcrack in violent buttons, why wax why vex Bartholomew. Why winger why nox in belly bell clumber, th Streets come to echos bell thumper. Spatula barn echo trux. |
Why shelf gummers doers? Crumb shelf waist doing? Bunny cubby number whisper? Copy candor alphabetan. |
Zember full of rhyme, dance clocks. Hot beltings. Eggs fish lumbertrouts, you laborcow breastmate. Zember fellowglue fast ochre pristine clover felt gum of tantric Hollys guns. With sumber lead spigots, beb, elf crumbs cribber & slock notes, bibs, beb in lovers. Clovers steppers uppers clubbers narry tare. Nunder crutch cravings crovings crawings balloon. |
Said in times collapsed & vulgar bird flashes of algore penetrating clips clucks goose & snooze feltings. Benny bobble with cold sexcapillians underkittens gross snatch clobbies. Ugh felt promise there belt stew shucking cleee. Wire rats. Seven seventy gelfling sorry made clasps she belts & prays. Dumber dumber clothes with creck sauce Hollywood. Faint claspings of bridal vessel cumber plates, Shuck. Zate, gunfingerflap. Pristiss cloth bandicoot weltings frumble said, I wish I said cumbermelt shost lost clothes cleck, & number twelve was oxen. Shun, cumberflash what else capers in bordersnail, Blown ootward in cabbage rows, tocked & laid out, banderhoes. |
ogg tangerine omniflash put in oven bake bread & short cuffs with liquid fingers toes sculpulens, skeletons, scaredymuffs. Polly pelblat orphan th first of Sunday Shatterings. Kaloo special kale me boy of sands & worm. What bevel of lead shucklings pobbles. What skirt of special flavours. Drawn culpable triumph fry especially laid in turnip patches through th wide sea. |