rambleberry tonguepatch | |
archives06.03 07.03 08.03 09.03 10.03 11.03 02.04 03.04 05.04 06.04 06.05 07.05 08.05 09.05 11.05 12.05 01.06 04.06 06.06 03.07 04.07 06.07 07.07 01.08 11.12 01.13 12.13 |
blown open hurricane country square prance around the box dance lovers make naked stems of porridge and paint and weezer what kind of flums/plums/pomegranates do you remember? what said you first or second quality? bands of stewing silver is reg is not reg is blood is head blood is finger is juicenail/mail to take a residue and soak yourself in sleeves |
binberry acid cream all over my slants you pig of nape beat you wisdom trolley dong and harper crescent club note blue beaten suckling dire dream hate skate shirt flirt open me big thing glove what's worst is first can it be baited? can it be broiled? little dumpling of fast heads breath and cupid |
spaghetti slow western eyes pond of bright solid soiled canker and heat day what heat is way? stay cucumber fire loose lost tangent to me (me) book good kipper eat fast and for bobbles and topples me (me) quiz quit quignaut |