
rambleberry tonguepatch


06.03   07.03   08.03   09.03   10.03   11.03   02.04   03.04   05.04   06.04   06.05   07.05   08.05   09.05   11.05   12.05   01.06   04.06   06.06   03.07   04.07   06.07   07.07   01.08   11.12   01.13   12.13  

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Deliver me posts
rain clams
head flutes
sugar tar ban
and welks

face beam with stein
glow red and polter
trust me to digger
all hands
felling bottomless crows
flounder sugar befinger
two meals
doesn't make one
all flaccid corrugates
and blood pie

and where we will get to
in summer of meat-candy

Monday, July 28, 2003

floods pogurge to thinkabout
well said well remembered pathetic rhyme
all day long and crazy hats forgetfulness
shudder shutter lines
crawling bisdom heterocanker
and falling foul crimt
heads that lose their shape when punched with razors

Monday, July 14, 2003

jancer the fence
aloof wheat in transit
born under comma veils
the time and place and why

Sunday, July 13, 2003

fair meet
sarah the santabear
control of violent stupidity
alone in fire,
my weakest disease
where thoughts align
vision didn't make me stupid
born control to die in piss
old hankies
vision bitches
boston bock rock
the chambers of ail
goth-crib all the charmers
in violent questions care

business biscuits
all sandwiches
gnashing saw-borne control

fire succinct and mobile
all wrongs to ditherbear
can fancy a danger pardoned in cents

vision, a cuban

Thursday, July 03, 2003

cropped the wig
silent namer
hasn't a too-big grown-up wind
for llamas
sign of whispering llamas
conceal your own flesh
dressed like a turnip
can't believe it
owner of doctors
balogna sandwich
zap ted
big front end loader
tooth and raga vapors
let me row the boat
don juan napoleon commas
below the faintest ruthheart
game ness
the old vision suit
so i can bleed
begun to lie
the field of hearts
suing each other

like a grown-up
tactical visage
blown out of proportion
dollop of wheat whisps
the chortle that stopped me from coming

hanker the best grown-up
tom snot baloo
beltloop holy war
that fungus is you
that shirt looks stupid on you

crazy old hermage
turn around and face tactical
the man in the suit
blows home
acorn shit

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

doesn't have to wear its face
he's jealous
delivering pizzas to magazines
pretty tortured names
bologna brains
the ring of fire
old speg
cumquat turnip turnover
mm mm
that is good
underwear it
pledge not to come
the duck the twisting naval
treatsus bell giver
graven stone shimmers
clock and dyspepsia
bologna sandwich
sort of hand jive waver
milking cool white steed
under cool calamityhammer
you old ding dong bell
trucks biffer dean
close and stupid and serene
vegimont clever tank
mister duckling whatever whatever
trucks unloading bullfrog etymology
front end loader

the coffin the spruce squirrel
so i prance3 in vain(bruce)
chlorine bobfire

felt-tipped corrugated mistakeling
various beads and creams
hat head fred

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